Hiking tip Schönjochkreuz loop


Wanderlust with the pleasure of art

A top hiking tip in the immediate vicinity of your vacation apartment in Fiss:
Frommes Kreuz – Schönjochkreuz round trip from Fiss


Nature is in its full splendor on sunny autumn days. The air is clear and fresh. The sun’s rays still have a warming effect, but it is already quite cool in the shade. The view of the surrounding mountains is unique.

When the leaves of the deciduous trees show a great variety of colors from yellow to dark red, the beauty of nature invites you to go on excursions and discoveries! As the mountain-loving hosts of your vacation apartment in Fiss, we would like to introduce you to a varied hiking route on the sunny high plateau of Fiss: the Frommes Kreuz – Schönjochkreuz circuit.


On to the first summit

You start your hike in Fiss at the Steinegg restaurant and follow the Fisser Höhenweg trail across alpine meadows and forest paths. Hungry hikers will find a rustic refreshment stop at the Frommesalpe. Here you can fortify yourself with Tyrolean delicacies and take a break before setting off again to reach a special hiking highlight: the summit cross of the Frommes. Past an old, unmanaged shepherd’s hut, the Frommeshütte, a newly constructed hiking trail leads up to the summit cross at 2,247 meters in numerous hairpin bends over wide alpine meadows. From here you have a fantastic panoramic view of the upper Inn Valley. Enjoy the view of the Tyrolean mountains.


Another highlight awaits the hiker

The next destination on your hike is the Frommes reservoirs. You reach the lakes via a path that takes you over the broad mountain ridge. Along the lakes you will find benches and rest areas that invite hikers to linger. In winter, the water from the reservoirs supplies the snowmaking systems.


And another summit cross is on the program …

After your rest, the hiking trail, which is now a wide road, leads you on to the next highlight of this tour – the summit cross of the Schönjöchl at 2,493 meters. A wonderful view of the mountains and the valley awaits you here too. Discover the villages of Ladis, Fiss and Serfaus from a panoramic view!


Finally, a special highlight – art on the mountain

Now you have the last stage of your hike ahead of you! And you can also look forward to a unique experience here: the art trail on the Schönjoch!

This beautifully laid out path leads hikers over the ridge to the Schöngampbahn mountain station. The special feature: along the way you will come across numerous works of art made from a wide variety of materials, such as wood, steel, stone, granite or marble. The exhibits were created directly on the Schönjoch as part of the “Art on the Mountain” event. New works of art are added every year and are also available for purchase!

We – from the Fiss vacation apartment – wish you a wonderful day of hiking and lots of wonderful memories to take home with you!


What should you know about the hike?

  • The hike is considered moderately difficult and requires a certain degree of surefootedness. Good physical condition and stamina are also required.
  • The tour covers 11 kilometers and takes about 4 hours and 15 minutes.
  • There are over 600 meters of altitude to overcome.
  • However, the beautiful scenery is enchanting and makes up for all the hiking efforts! Please choose mountain boots with a good shoe profile for this tour, as the route takes you into alpine terrain!


To all our guests who are already packing their rucksacks and getting out their hiking boots in anticipation of this hike, we at your vacation apartment in Fiss wish you lots of fun and a wonderful time in the Tyrolean mountains! For further information or tips, please do not hesitate to contact us.





About the author: Sabine Egger

Sabine ist Content Creator vom Appartement Haus Sonnenterrasse in Fiss. Sie informiert euch über Neuigkeiten der Region Serfaus Fiss Ladis, leckere Rezepte aus Tirol und wertvolle Tipps rund ums Skifahren und Wandern.